Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Some sort of happiness and sadness

Hi blog

It's me again~

I am currently experiencing some sort of happiness and sadness, that's why I am here.

I am listening to the following music by the way:

Why am I happy? because I am glad that I have done two road trips together with my wife before, first in NZ, second in US. Driving is indeed a nice experience. Of course, driving is NZ is nicer than US in my opinion haha~

Why am I sad? because I am still stuck in office, working my life off. lol~ I am actually wondering whether I will feel differently if I am working overseas, or even born overseas, where driving between places is common, and the scenery is also common.

Anyway, this particular music track has been played during both road trips, and I think it is indeed a nice music to listen to, regardless of for working, for relaxing, or for running. Thank you to whoever made that music.