Ok, for those who still visit this public blog in the hope of getting an update, congrats! Finally an update! :D
So.. long story short, I graduated, found a job, and started working. Thanks.
The purpose of this entry is of course not just an update.
Since 7 years ago, this blog have been serving one purpose: to let people know about my thoughts/views. So, this entry is also for that purpose.
It is always easy for people to misunderstand, especially when only one out of two parties are talking. Currently, I think I am involved in this mega politics that is going on behind my back, based on various sources and social media platform. And all along, my stance have been to ignore them, because I feel that politics is something that's so childish that I am disgracing myself if I "play along" with them. Naturally, people exploit this "absence of voice" and do/say a lot more.
I honestly think, fundamentally, there should be a misunderstanding somewhere. But I am too tired to bother about it. The same issue has been raised before months ago, and when I raised things up, I did it within a few days after my knowledge. And guess what? That thing has been ongoing for weeks, or even months.
Why can't people seek clarifications when they get their info? Why do people choose to talk behind people's back without clarifying? Then say, "Ok, thing cleared. No more problems anymore" (not exact quote, just the essence) in your face, then behind your back still continue doing whatever you have been doing.
Grow up please~ Lol. And I am saying this for your own good, not mine.
Yes yes, you can bad-mouth me, delete me from your facebook, and try to "win" friends over to your side. Do I look like I bother about popularity? I come to this world without it, and I will leave the world without it. You can collect it, and bring it to your grave instead, provided the truth do not uncover itself.
I am here, living and sleeping in peace; you can live and sleep in fear of the day truth sees the light. ;)
Be glad I still give you chance by not mentioning your name, even though my girlfriend did it (which she copied from your twitter account).
Anyway, speaking of "winning" friends over. There is a phrase called "浮云", which literally means floating clouds. Non-Chinese readers can infer that it refers to things/people that float around. They do not stay. Yup. Friends who can be won over are just like floating clouds. I don't really see the need to try to win them back, since they floated away. True friends stick, and I have a number of friends who know me well, and decided to stick with me. For these friends, I thank them and appreciate their loyalty.
Also, actually, this blog entry is partly inspired by a friend, or maybe, a "friend". Here's a special message for you:
Hey, there are actually many things I wanna tell you, yet I have nothing to talk to you anymore. I do miss the times we had together, but oh well~ One of my personal philosophy in life is: All of us have to suffer the consequences of our actions. Maybe I lost you as a friend, or you lost me as a friend, but I can assure you: It all boils down to your actions and decisions. You are one of my closer friends and yet, you choose to do what was probably the dumbest thing: Talk behind my back without clarifying with me/talking to me. Well done~ Come I clap for you~ And you actually say FALSE THINGS about me too, providing ammo for "that girl". Wow. And guess what? Like what I said when we talked that night, I forgive you. But then what happen after that? You know what you did/did not do. So.. yeah, I see no reason why I am sticking around. So sorry, but if you continue your stance, 明哲保身 (you can google translate the meaning of this), then goodbye~ Maybe you don't see the need to have me as your friend, which explains your inaction, and your decision. So if that's the case, I have no need for such "friends" either.
I am not one who really hold grudges against people. I finally understand truly what my friend said last time, "Don't tell me to forgive and forget. I can forgive, but I will not forget". Yup. Ditto.
So, finally I have come to the ending part of this entry~
For people who are just here for gossips, here you go.
For people who want to redeem yourselves, you don't even need to do favours for me. Just do what is right. Like first of all, clarify whether the truth tally with what you hear/spread.
真理是不变的。The truth will always be the truth. It will not be twisted.
And yes, CHL, you can continue to play victim. Just make sure you don't 假戏真做 and get hurt for real ok?
Also, I already took my initiative and approach you the last time you did such a thing already, I can't be bothered doing it again. You want to win popularity contest, go ahead.